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Shedd Aquarium

Lake Shelbyville

315 E Main, Shelbyville, IL 62565

Camping & RV Parks

Central Illinois lake with over 11,000 water acres and 172 miles of shoreline.

Lake Shelbyville has 5 federal campgrounds and 2 state campgrounds with over 1,000 campsites from tent camping up to full hookup. There are several recreational areas with picnic areas and pavilions and 2 wildlife management areas. Three public beaches are available for swimming on the lake. The lake also hosts many launching ramps that are available for boats and 3 marinas. Many hiking trails also encompass the lake such as the General Dacey which also includes fitness stations, the Chief Illini trail and others. The General Dacey trail is also open to bicycles as well as Camp Camfield trail. Wolf Creek State Park has a horse camp, where you can bring your own horse for riding the trails and camp. On the east side of the dam is the COE Visitor Center with displays on wildlife, the history of the lake, and information about surrounding communities.

What's happening nearby...

Scarecrow Daze Festival

Oct 11 @ 7AM

The city of Shelbyville celebrates Scarecrows and fall in the downtown area.

Read more about Scarecrow Daze Festival

Shelbyville Festival of Lights

Nov 21 – Dec 28

The holiday season is celebrated with light displays in Forest Park.

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